Adapted from the best selling novel by Jane Hamilton, this story revolves around Alice Goodwin and her husband, who leave the city behind to buy a farm in a small rural town. However, after a tragic accident, Alice discovers the darkness behind the town’s rosy facade and her life begins a downward spiral. Through the love of her husband, and through her own strength and courage, Alice starts to slowly piece her life back together.
Crew / Cast
Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Dara Perlmutter, David Strathairn, Julianne Moore, Arliss Howard, Chloë Sevigny, Louise Fletcher
Director: Scott Elliott
Writers: Peter Hedges, Polly Platt, Jane Hamilton (novel)
Producers: Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall
Exec. Producer: Willi Bär
Cinematographer: Seamus McGarvey
Editors: Naomi Geraghty, Craig McKay
Composer: Pat Metheny
Prod. Designer: Richard Toyon
Costumes: Suzette Daigle
Golden Globes
2000 Nominated, Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama