
This animated feature, from acclaimed filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki, follows the adventures of a young boy named Sosuke, who rescues a goldfish princess named Ponyo. When the two embark on a fantastic journey together, Ponyo’s father, a powerful wizard, forces Ponyo to return home. Determined to become human so she can reunite with Sosuke, Ponyo releases the magical Water of Life, which triggers a gigantic storm. Now faced with a daunting obstacle, Ponyo must choose between her heart’s desire and restoring balance to the world that she cherishes.

Crew / Cast

Writer: Hayao Miyazaki

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

Producer: Toshio Suzuki

English Language Version

Cast: Cate Blanchett, Noah Lindsey Cyrus, Matt Damon, Tina Fey, Frankie Jonas, Liam Neeson, Jennessa Rose, Betty White

Exec. Producers: Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, John Lasseter, Koji Hoshino

Cinematographer: Atsushi Okui

Editors: Hayao Miyazaki, Takeshi Seyama

Composer: Joe Hisaishi

