When a violent storm sinks their whaling ship off the coast of New Bedford, Mass., the four survivors face a reckoning: how far will they go to stay alive? And can they live with the consequences? With music and lyrics from The Avett Brothers, whose 2004 “Mignonette” was inspired by an 1884 shipwreck and the struggle of four men to survive, Swept Away is an electrifying, soul-stirring new musical exploring how facing tragedy can open the door to forgiveness… if only we’ll let it.
Crew / Cast
Producer The Avett Brothers, Matthew Masten, Sean Hudock, Madison Wells Live, Gigi Pritzker, Jamie Forshaw, Evan Mayer, Frank Marshall & Jimmy Buffett, Bellanca Smigel Rutter, Invisible Wall Productions, Louise L. Gund, James L. Nederlander, Marianne Mills, May It Last, Creative Partners Productions, David Mirvish, Fillion Troost Legacy Productions, Meg & John Hauge, The John Gore Organization, Willette & Manny Klausner, Jayne Baron Sherman, Swindal & Laczynski, Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Takonkiet Viravan, Catherine Adler & Jonathan Demar, Kate Cannova & Score, Adam Cohen & Dann Fink, Jonathan Corr & Scott Abrams, Grove Entertainment & Jeremiah J. Harris, Una Jackman & Jaimie Mayer, Armstrong-Manocherian, Jeffrey Porter & Bonnie Turen Feld, Schroeder Shapiro Productions, Dolphus Ramseur, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Johanna Pfaelzer, Tom Parrish, Arena Stage, Hana S. Sharif, Edgar Dobie, Sue Wagner, John Johnson, Jillian Robbins, Zachary Baer
Writer: (Book by) John Logan
Director Michael Mayer
Limited Show Run
November 19, 2024 - December 29, 2024
Longacre Theatre
220 W. 48th St. New York, NY