
From the creators of Invisible Tango, The Present, and The Future comes an entirely new theatrical event. As a Portuguese immigrant, storyteller, and sleight-of-hand magician, Helder Guimarães arrived in America at age 29. Wide-eyed and full of ideas, he discovers a fascinating puzzle of cultural and professional challenges to solve while he tries to build a home. The Hope Theory offers a unique perspective on America through the eyes of an optimistic outsider.

Five performances of The Hope Theory (La Teoría de la Esperanza) will be performed in Spanish. Major support for this world-premiere production is provided by the Edgerton Foundation New Play Production Fund.

Crew / Cast

Playwright, Performer: Helder Guimarães

Director: Frank Marshall

Limited Show Run

May 2 - July 14th, 2024

Geffen Playhouse

10886 Le Conte Avenue, Los Angeles, CA

