
Oscar Wilde’s timeless text is revolutionized by Kip Williams’ celebrated collision of form employing an explosive interplay of video and theater through an intricately choreographed collection of on-stage cameras bringing to life a dizzying 26 characters, each vividly portrayed by one actor.

Crew / Cast

Producer: Michael Cassel, Adam Kenwright, Len Blavatnik and Danny Cohen, Daryl Roth, Amanda Lipitz and Henry Tisch, Tom Werner, Ronald Frankel, Ken Schur, Bob Boyett, Caiola Productions, Grove Entertainment, No Guarantees, Lizzie Tisch, Sydney Theatre Company, Michael Cassel Group, Liam Mangan

Writer: Kip Williams

Director: Kip Williams, (Novel by) Oscar Wilde

Show Run

Currently Running

Music Box Theatre

239 W. 45th St., New York, NY

You can buy your tickets here

