Directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Matt Damon, this drama centers on three random individuals who are each haunted by their mortality in different ways. George is a blue-collar American with a special connection to the afterlife. Marie is a French journalist who encounters a near-death experience that shakes her to the core. And Marcus, who is a London schoolboy, loses the person closest to him and is desperately seeking answers as to why. All three lives eventually intersect in their search for the truth, which will forever change what they believe might—or must—exist in the hereafter.
Crew / Cast
Cast: Matt Damon, Cécile De France, Richard Kind, Jay Mohr, Frankie McLaren, George McLaren
Director: Clint Eastwood
Writer: Peter Morgan
Producers: Kathleen Kennedy, Robert Lorenz, Clint Eastwood
Exec. Producers: Frank Marshall, Tim Moore, Peter Morgan, Steven Spielberg
Cinematographer: Tom Stern
Editors: Joel Cox, Gary Roach
Composer: Clint Eastwood
Prod. Designer: James J. Murakami
Costumes: Deborah Hopper
Academy Awards
2011 Nominated, Oscar for Best Achievement in Visual Effects